San Miguel is a city district of Chilecito, situated in the province of La Rioja, at the foothills of the Andes in the northwest of Argentina (see map). Chilecito is the second largest city in this region and has a population of about 40.000., 1000 of them live in San Miguel.
The local primary school hosts 110 students and together with the Catholic chapel
forms the center of the village. In addition to that, there are two museums. One of them was the vacation home of the famous writer and politician Joaquin V. Gonzales (1863-1922).
Winegrowing is the main source of income in the region. Many women even take part in this activity during the main season. The high number of extremely young mothers with many children is noticeable.
In San Miguel there is a low and also a middle class, but the economic difference between the two is a giant one. The community offers support to the very poor by donating food and other articles from time to time.