About 40 children from 3 to 9 years old will come to our “comedor” after school. The “Comedor” building belongs to the “Centro Vecinal“, a union of the local community independent from the government. We serve what is called ”merienda“, a small snack in the afternoon accompanied by juice, milk or the national drink “mate“. Once we receive more financial support we would love to cook a warm lunch for the children as well. After that we will dedicate our time and energy in a creative way to the children as well as to help them with their homework.
We would like to offer these children a place where they feel cared for and loved, and can experience new ways of playing and being a child. Here they can put their fantasy and creativity to use . Most of the children grow up in very poor families who are not able to feed their children without financial support from the outside Our next step will be painting the exterior walls of the building and changing the floor to make the building more colorful and welcoming from the outside. Another big dream is also to refurbish the backyard so that it can be used by the children as a playground